8 Why Do We Sacrifice?

In this story, we learn how we go into God's presence. Download

 the video. Subtitles are available in Zaza (Dimili), Turkish and English.

8 Ma Qande Çıçi Qurban Kenê? (Neden Kurban Kesilir?) Hikaye Zaza Dımıli

Below, in the Bingöl dialect. Subtitles are available in Zaza (Kirdki), Turkish and English. Download the video. 

8 Ma Semed Çi Qurban Danê? (Neden Kurban Kesilir?) Hîkaye Zaza Kirdkî

And in the Tünceli dialect. Download the video. Subtitles are available in Zaza (Kırmancki), Turkish and English.

8 Ma Seba Çı Qurban Kenê? (Neden Kurban Kesilir?) Hikaye Zaza Kırmancki

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