The Reason Jesus Came

In this story, Jesus explains why he came into the world. It is in the Bingöl dialect. Download

the videoSubtitles are available in Zaza (Kirdkî), Turkish and English.

Sebebê Omayişê Îsa (2. İyilik ve Adalet) Hîkaye Zaza Kirdkî

Below, in the Çermik/Siverek dialect. Download

the video. Subtitles are available in Zaza (Dımıli), Turkish and English.

Sebebdê Amayışê İsay (2. İyilik ve Adalet) Hîkaye Zaza Dımıli

And in the Tünceli dialect. Download

the video. Subtitles are available in Zaza (Kırmancki), Turkish and English.

Sebebê Ameyısê İsayi (2. İyilik ve Adalet) Hikaye Zaza Kırmancki

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