6 Noah and the Flood

In this story, Noah builds an ark in order to be saved from the Flood. Download 

the video. Subtitles are available in Zaza (Dimili), Turkish and English.

6 Tofanê Nuhi (Nuh'un Tufanı) Hikaye Zaza Dımıli

Below, in the Bingöl dialect. Subtitles are available in Zaza (Kirdki), Turkish and English. Download the video.

6 Tufanê Nuh (Nuh'un Tufanı) Hîkaye Zaza Kirdkî

And in the Tünceli dialect. Download the video. Subtitles are available in Zaza (Kırmancki), Turkish and English.

6 Tofanê Nuh (Nuh'un Tufanı) Hikaye Zaza Kırmancki

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